Tuesday, September 24, 2019

My Oral Surgery explained - photos of progress

It took 4 long hours (originally expected to be only 3 hours) for the Oral Surgeon to completely do everything to start my Hybrid Denture process.
I chose to be in a hospital, 
mainly because of my health history of 3 heart attacks before age 50.

NOTE: Gum Disease and Heart Disease are directly related.
Gum disease with its nasty bacteria can get into your bloodstream and end up affecting your heart.
There are many internet articles. 
Here is Web.MD's:

Here is a very interesting fact that I learned from the Oral Surgeon.
Did you know that your jaw bones have TWO layers?
In my own layman's way of explaining it, 
the top layer is aerated, meaning that it has many holes of air pockets.
This is the layer that holds your teeth in place.
When you have gum disease, this layer actually PROMOTES it because of the aeration.  OMG!

The very bottom layer is pure SOLID bone.  

So....without the top layer (the one that causes trouble), you will no longer have gum disease - EVER.

Not only were all of my teeth pulled, but each jaw top bone layer was shaved off.  
I actually barely have jaw bone to speak of now that this has been done.
But, the comforting news for me is NO MORE GUM DISEASE!!!

After teeth are removed and jaw bones shaved, then you get stitched up good.
Next is the costly titanium implants that have to be installed.
A drill is used and the implant is placed.  
Along with each comes abutments (screw tops).

So, when I went home with ice packs tied around my head to keep on my jaws, 
I was very "Frankenstein-ish" inside of my mouth.

(I'm writing this post 6 weeks after my surgery and my bottom lip has FINALLY just about come completely out of numbness.  It still tingles a little.  My chin is getting there rapidly as well, however I get twinges of PAIN that last 10-15 seconds in my chin.  I think that the bottom jaw nerve (mandible nerve) is coming out of numbness, which is a great sign!)

Let's focus on the numbness you will experience. 
Firstly, it almost hurts and it really SUCKS!
I had to touch with my hand to insure that the glass was on my lip so I wouldn't spill all over myself!
It's the same numb you feel after leaving the dentist.
Can't feel if or when you have liquid or food on your chin, so you are constantly wiping it. 

Now for photos to show you how much swelling is involved.  

First, this is the day of the surgery.
Me with my dentures in and gauze packed in to soak up the bleeding.

Now, here I am 2 days later.
I'm in pain and you can see it in my eyes.

4 days after surgery.
One bruise on the side of my jaw started dissipating and traveled down the center of my throat.

Just over 1 week after surgery.
Smiling is extremely difficult because the swelling you don't see 
that's inside of my mouth makes it hard to 'bend' the muscles.

This photo taken 9/5/2019 (3 weeks after surgery).

More to come.....

1 comment:

  1. Gosh - you really have been through the wringer so to speak - but come the end of your journey and everything is as it should be - you know that it will have all been worth it - there is light at the end of the tunnel - but it sounds like it has been a bloody long tunnel ... lol.
