Monday, September 23, 2019

EATING - What they tell you and What is REALLY the TRUTH

Before going through the surgery to remove all of my teeth and start my hybrid denture journey, I was told that in just a matter of DAYS that I would be eating soft foods like pasta!  

Well people, guess what?
That's an outright LIE!

You've just had all of your teeth removed;
have had titanium implants drilled and embedded into your gums;
the temporary dentures you have been given have a pad between the dentures and the gums, thus preventing a good solid hold to eat ANYTHING!

First - here is what my healing bottom jaw looks like, 3-1/2 weeks after surgery. 

Prepare mentally & physically for a long road of weeks and weeks of pureed foods!

Had I KNOWN what I now know, this journey/experience would've been a WHOLE LOT BETTER!
This is the REASON I've created this blog - in hopes of helping YOU have a better experience!

After week #1 in fact,
I understood things a bit better!
For a couple of weeks I lived on Instant (boxed) Potatoes; Grits; and Popeye's (Louisiana Cajun Kitchen-known for their Southern Fried Chicken) Red Beans.  
The red beans HAD to be pureed. 

Now, speaking of really HAVE to get one of THESE!
Because a regular blender sucks.

It purees beautifully, but I find that you MUST put your food into a deep container to prevent splashing every where!

I was sooooooooo NAIVE and really believed that I would eat semi-normal foods in a matter of a couple of weeks!
You have to imagine the WORST CASE SCENARIO!
This is what you will SURVIVE on!

Also, I thought that I HAD to keep my temporary dentures in place almost ALL of the time.  
Once I researched the internet and learned some things, I realized that I could actually take them OUT!  Despite the Prosthodontist's Technician telling me from the beginning to wear them AS LONG AS POSSIBLE.  

I don't wear these temporary dentures UNLESS I have to leave my house! HA!
Trying to eat is FUTILE.
REASON:  The bottom denture is loose and there is nothing to make it better!
I can literally FLIP it off my jaw with my tongue!
Because I have implants that are sticking out of my gums and they aren't all sticking out at the SAME height, there isn't really anything for these dentures to grasp to!
So, the minute I drink, talk or attempt to chew, the bottom dentures flip-flop all over the place!
I tried taking a pill once and when the dentures started floating in my mouth and I almost CHOKED, I had to run to the sink and spit the pill and water into my hand!
THAT was the LAST straw!

So, I've learned that on a temporary basis I will have to deal with this dilemma and the way to do that is to make myself HAPPY!
This means being able to EAT (or at least get tasty foods into my stomach). 

So let's move on to another post where I give you ideas of foods to ingest!

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