Thursday, April 30, 2020

260 Days

That's right!
260 days.....(i.e. 37 weeks + 1 day)
how long I've been without teeth!

Surgery to remove all teeth; shave off half of both jaw bones; 
install 5 implants on top & 5 on bottom
was August 13, 2019. 

With holidays and other delays, 
mainly COVID-19,
a standard 3-4 month (really and truly 6 month) process
turned into a 9-1/4 month stretch. 

So here I am pictured with my new Permanent Hybrid Dentures:

Are you happy, Lisa?
(you may be asking)
There are definitely pros and cons.
However, the BIGGEST pro for me is ridding myself of horrible toxic gum disease!  

I will post more about this adventure soon.
Thx for dropping in!


  1. So happy for you. They look great but boy, oh boy, this has been a heck of a journey for you.

  2. Finally!!! Look at that gorgeous smile!!!! ♥
