Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dry Mouth

ok - I've been having dry mouth lately.  
The feeling that my mouth isn't moist enough.
I'm going to try Biotene Oral Rinse and also the spray.

So, I did a little research online and found that one of the causes is
Nerve damage. An injury or surgery that causes nerve damage to your head and neck area can result in dry mouth.

There are many reasons for dry mouth, 
but it's awfully coincidental to me that this started 
after my oral surgery.

Mayo Clinic is one site that I trust.
Here is the link to their article.

I just wonder, since the huge nerve in the mandible (lower jaw) gets disturbed during surgery and in turn makes your bottom lip and chin numb, (which by the way took 2 months for mine to finally subside enough that I can say I'm no longer numb), that this may be the cause for my dry mouth.

HOWEVER, I wake up every morning with my chin feeling like it's 'waking up' from numbness.
Once I'm up and out of bed, it goes away.

Interesting thought to contemplate about the dry mouth.
I'll confirm it next appointment.
And I'll find out if Morning-Numb-Chin is normal or not.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting
    I always have dry mouth. I was told due to certain meds. Let us know.
