Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dry Mouth

ok - I've been having dry mouth lately.  
The feeling that my mouth isn't moist enough.
I'm going to try Biotene Oral Rinse and also the spray.

So, I did a little research online and found that one of the causes is
Nerve damage. An injury or surgery that causes nerve damage to your head and neck area can result in dry mouth.

There are many reasons for dry mouth, 
but it's awfully coincidental to me that this started 
after my oral surgery.

Mayo Clinic is one site that I trust.
Here is the link to their article.

I just wonder, since the huge nerve in the mandible (lower jaw) gets disturbed during surgery and in turn makes your bottom lip and chin numb, (which by the way took 2 months for mine to finally subside enough that I can say I'm no longer numb), that this may be the cause for my dry mouth.

HOWEVER, I wake up every morning with my chin feeling like it's 'waking up' from numbness.
Once I'm up and out of bed, it goes away.

Interesting thought to contemplate about the dry mouth.
I'll confirm it next appointment.
And I'll find out if Morning-Numb-Chin is normal or not.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

When Implants Decide That They Don't Want to Emerge

I have TWO implants on the top jaw that are determined 
to not reveal themselves!
I asked the Technician today, at my appointment,
What are we going to do?
I don't want these to DELAY progress!

She reassured me that this is normal.  
No worries!
When it 'comes time',
the Oral Surgeon will 'trim' the gums to expose the implants.
Then we will be good to go!

So, this post is to let you know that there really IS a light at the end of the tunnel!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Another Food Idea - TAMALES

I promised to update you as I found other food choices, 
if you are like me and are unable to actually chew anything
since the bottom dentures flip-flop around!
Here is the link to the post where I talked about food choices:

If you like Mexican food - TAMALES are soft and can be simply cut up with a knife & fork!

I ordered & picked up this tamale dinner from a local Mexican Restaurant.
It has refried beans and Spanish Rice with it!
The masa (or dough) melts in your melt!

Happy eating!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

What color do I choose?

Hello everyone!
I'm at a point in my dental process that I'm deciding on the color of my permanent hybrid dentures!
Although I'm still 4+ months away from getting my permanents, 
I'm also very anxious to choose a good color!

I've watched many a video on the internet and 
most of the ladies out there are the color PW4.

Earlier in this process the Prosthodontist's Technician advised me to not go too white.
She was concerned about me being stared at and talked about having fake looking teeth.
I told her, in all earnest, that the $xx,xxx I was spending for this, 
that I wanted a smile worth the same amount that I was paying.

So, she's 'lightened' up a bit.
Below are photos that I took from my iphone showing the color chart.

Here is the neat thing....my dentures are color A1, 
which are yellower than B1 (the color the Prosthodontist and Technician suggested).
I wasn't happy with my A1 colored dentures, so the next whiter color is B1.
Although you can't see 'yellow' in my dentures, 
unless a really white tissue or shirt is placed up against them,
I decided that if I'm going to spend this amount of money, that my teeth are going to be WHITE!

Here is a recent photo of me, with my A1 colored dentures.
This is in my car and in 'true light' from the sun.

So, now, let's take a look at the tooth color chart!
I took these photos with my iphone.
Although the color B1 is the next shade whiter than my dentures,
I have decided to try PW4 first.
You can see that PW2 is close in color to the suggested B1 color.
So, if PW4 turns out to be overly bright white for me, I will go with PW2.

But, PW4 is what I see all over the internet and it's BEAUTIFUL!
Women are very satisfied with this color.
I think that I will be also!

So check out these colors:

So, don't you agree with PW4 as the choice?

I can't wait (4+ months away) to show you how beautiful this PW4 color really is!
NEVER EVER 'short' yourself!
If you are paying out the whazoo like I am, you DESERVE this gorgeous white color!

More to come.....
I'm hanging in there and moving forward in this process.
I will reach the end with FULL happiness!

Take care!
Lisa : )

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Implant Failure - or a simple abutment change

I just experienced a very scary situation!
A certain area in my mouth has been bothering me for a long time
and just recently, in the past few days, it's been hurting.

Last night I decided to really look at the area.
It appeared ok, but maybe a little redness.
I touched the implant and it moved, also hurting me at the same time!

Well the 'F' word flew out of my mouth and then the overwhelming sense of despair.

Called the Oral Surgeon and they got me in right away this morning.
He saw it move too!
So, they took a CT Scan and brought me to a surgery room.

The plan was to remove the implant and if the bone looked healthy,
he was going to install a new, larger implant.
He deadened the area and then torqued the implant.
It did not budge at all!
So, he changed the abutment (screw top) to a flatter one that wouldn't stick up so high.

So a loose abutment caused the illusion of a loose implant!

Now I'm riding Cloud 9!