Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Depression Caused by the WAIT

Hello everyone!
Yes, the title is true.
Waiting to have permanent teeth that will allow for actually CHEWING 
of foods can cause depression & anxiety.

I will be the first to admit that I am depressed.
I already take anti-depressants and have for many, many years, 
but there are things in your life that can defeat these medications.
One obvious one for me is not being able to EAT!!

I have a HUGE bit of advice:

Originally, before all of this began, I was TOLD that this entire process, from surgery to healing to installation of permanent hybrid dentures 
would take 3-4 months!
After researching online, and also talking to a few who had been through this or were knowledgeable, I discovered that 6 months was the standard time! 
Soooooo - 6 months is what I put in my head.
This is the only thing that has 'saved' me from total insanity!
My surgery was August 13, 2019.

Four weeks ago, I was told "2-3 weeks and I would have my permanents". 
Well, we are now 1 week 'overdue'. 
I actually was stupid enough to BELIEVE them!

So, now I'm working on my mind to relax and believe that this will happen.....WHENEVER it will happen!

It still doesn't solve the issue of not being able to participate 
in a lovely dinner in a restaurant.
Or feeling comfortable to be in public!

My temporary dentures fit so poorly (the bottoms) 
that they make me look like a MONSTER.
It's even hard to DRINK with them. 
I usually take out the bottoms completely.
They are totally USELESS!!!!!
I opened my mouth to show just how OUT OF LINE these bottom dentures are!  They don't in ANY WAY contribute to eating, much less aesthetics!
This was taken TODAY before I ran errands.
Guess what I did?
I took them OFF!
I speak better without the bottoms;
I look 'better' without the bottoms, 
except my mouth frowns without their support.

Bottom line is temporary dentures SUCK!

Tell yourself this is a 7 month process!
PREPARE to eat pureed foods while you are still healing. 
Then you can have foods that you can SWALLOW WHOLE.....
just to name a few - mashed potatoes; mac & cheese; FINELY cut up well cooked & tender chicken or ground meat; beans; rice; tender vegetables; spaghetti; tamales.

I want STEAK.
I want SALAD.
I want a BURGER.
I want fried ONION RINGS.
I want BREAD.